I made a tour around my desktop in my dorm room and now I'm going to show you where I always write letters and where I keep all my snail mail equipment~ :) I've wanted to make this kind of post for a long time because I myself like to see others' rooms and environment ^,^
On the wall where my bed is, I have this bulletin board where I attach my favorite & new postcards and other photos :)
My side of the desk ^___^
My pencil case :D

This corner is where I keep all my incoming letters, outgoing letters, received postcards that I don't have on the bulletin board and the cards that I've bought but haven't send yet.
The box where is all the postcards.
Outgoing and incoming mail :) When I've replied to the letters I've received, I usually take them home where I have a box dedicated to all my letters. I have saved every single letter I've received during the last ~5 years and I like to re-read them sometimes ^_^
A shelf where I have all my school books and make-up products and I have attached two postcards on it too.
Left side of my desk. The red box is for my 10,20 and 50 cent coins :D Then there are my Pen holder which I've decorated myself :D Next to the pens is another box full of random hair stuff, jewels and make-up.
Close pic of the box where I have all my deco-tapes and other important stuff such as glue and regular tape that I need almost every day. The red Chinese lucky bag with the cute bunny is where I have post stamps, air mail stickers and address labels.
The drawer. Straight from the 80's =D (I think)
The top drawer where I have my note books, a few CDs that I am yet to bring home(I have my CD collection there) and penpal stuff.
The bag where I have all my envelopes, writing papers, stickers etc.
This is inside of the bag.
Inside of the letter writing set :D
Close pics.
The middle drawer. I have my electronics, wallet, passport etc. important things there but also a box where is my craft stuff and a folder full of magazine cuts. (I always cut off every beautiful picture cuz it can be used for mail art)
Last drawer. I have blister and used packets and boxes there. I always keep all the packing materials I receive because I tend to reuse them as much as possible. It's good for my wallet and for the environment! =D
*drool* I am so jealous of your craft haven!
ReplyDeleteYou are so ORGANIZED I am really impressed. So much in a little space.
ReplyDeleteJustIngrid Follow Me #6
Heavent is a place on Earth! :D You really have a little piece of heaven in your room! (worldtour follow me #6)
ReplyDeleteSo neat!!! You have everything in their proper places. I used to like having penpals on my younger years more than 20 years ago maybe. And super loveee to collect different kinds of papers. Looking at your space reminds me of them all, but I never get to have a workspace like yours. And did I mention I love those decotapes.
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving us a tour on your workspace.
Follow me#6
I love your deco tapes, so prettty! thebragal Swapbot follow me
ReplyDeleteVery organized!
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your desk and all of your deco tapes. Very pretty and organized.
ReplyDelete~j3ss1ca (Swap-Bot)
Your desk is so tidy and colourful! :)
ReplyDeletePookledo at swapbot
Ihana ihana postaus! Sulla on hirveesti kaikkee ihanaa ja söpöä koristelukamaa ja papereita, oon ihan kateellinen :D Ootko tilannu jostain netistä noita vai ostanu kaupoista? Mistä yleensä ostat postikortit?
ReplyDeleteKiitos kommentista ja lukijaksi liittymisestä ^_^
DeleteOstan kaikki jutut yleensä netistä, suurin osa on eBaysta ja sitten jos surffaillessa törmään johonkin kivaan sivuun ja se vaikuttaa hyvältä niin tilaan sitten sieltäkin. Joskus löytyy jotakin kirppareilta, Suomalaisesta kirjakaupasta tai Tiimarista, mutta parhaiten saa kyllä ulkomailta tilatessa :3
Ebayhin tarvitsee Paypalin, ja jos olet jo täysi-ikäinen tai voit lainata vanhemmiltasi kortin(Nordean vaikka), Ebaysta tilaaminen käy helposti. Jos haluat joskus tilata sieltä jotakin ja tarvitset apua, lähetä minulle s-postia(satsumaimo94[at]gmail[dot]com niin lupaan auttaa parhaani mukaan :)
Nopsa kysymys vielä, tiiätkä käykö ebayhin visa electron? sinnehän kai pitäs olla oikeesti luottokortti mut jotkut paikat kai hyväksyy electroninkin sellasena vaik se ei oikeesti oo... :D
Deleteei mielestäni käy, tarvitset joko luottokortin tai Paypalin, jonka saa normaaliin pankkikorttiin liitettyä.
DeleteAmazing big time amazing and super cute.
ReplyDeletethanks! :)