Two packets and two postcards were in my mailbox a few days ago ´w`

They came from Canada, Spain and Singapore!
The cards. The To-fu Oyako card is from my penpal in Singapore and the other card is from Canada. The card is quite hilarious, it says "Things I didn't see in Canada."
These were inside the packet that came from Spain. It was my first time ever to receive something from there! Spain is my favorite European country (*´▽`*)ノ゛This was a private swap between I and a Spanish girl. She asked if we could start to exchange letters frequently! I am a little worried because she hasn't received the packet I sent to her already about a month ago! But she told the mail is so slow there so..I'll not give up my hope just yet~
One of the sweets she sent to me was actually a Finnish licorice bar. On the candy wrap there read "Produced in Finland." It was quite funny that this licorice bar traveled first from Finland to Spain, and then back to Finland :D
These are from Canada from my "Small candy swap"-partner. I liked everything a lot!
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