I have got quite a nice pile of incoming mail from friends!
This letter is from my penpal in Hong Kong. She sent me some weird sweets once again.
(● ̄。 ̄●)
Letter from U.S.A.
This is from my new penpal who lives in Israel! I'm so excited to be penpalling with her (≧◡≦)
Unfortunately her very first letter to me had got wet during the journey to Finland, so I have a hard time trying to make sense of what she wrote to me σ(TεT
Then a couple of cards~
This is from Australia! (I had a private swap with an Australian lady) I asked her if she could send me a kangaroo card, and she did send me one!
These cards are already a couple of weeks old... From Lithuania (I guess, I don't remember any more sorry m(_ _)m) and Russia (once again) via Postcrossing.
This is a card from Philippines from the amazing Katrina! We once had a private swap in the past, and now she wanted to send me another card again to expand my post card collection (because I hadn't a card from Philippines yet) She is a kind soul indeed! Thank you so much ( ・_・)♡

Last but definitely not least, is a Chinese New Year card from my Singaporean penpal. This was a surprise card and I was so excited to see it. I like it very much!!!
Moikka! Liityin tänään swap-bottiin koska pääsen siinä toivottavasti yhdistämään kaksi mun kohtuullisen uutta innostuksen aihetta, eli postihommelit ja kaikenlaisen näpertelyn ja koristelun :) Mutta pointti oli se, että kun etsin jotain swappia johon voisin ihan ekana liittyä ja löysinkin sopivan oloisen, niin huomasin että se oli sun hostaama :D! Joten tulin vain pyytämään ettet bannaa mua siitä vaikka aloitteleva olenkin..:'3 hihi!
ReplyDeleteKiva että saadaan vähän suomalaisvahvistusta Swap-bottiin! Aika hauska sattuma, että just mun swappiin liityit kaikista niistä sadoista!!:D Enkä tietenkään bannaa sua, joten turhaan murehdit sitä :D Toivottavasti sulle tulee olemaan hauskaa Swap-botissa ja löydät monta kivaa vahtoa, mihin liittyä :3