Monday, January 28, 2013

Outgoing mail

Self-made envelope heading to Indonesia(my first time sending something there!). This is my reply to my Korean Student Penpal partner.

The upper one is for my Not Your Normal Sticker Swap #4 (bigger version!) -partner. 
The lower one for my penpal in Scotland. I used the horse stationery because he likes horses :)

My first letter to a Japanese girl. I hope she will write me back!

Lastly two postcards for private postcard swaps. One to Australia and the other to Austria! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Private swap Finland+The Netherlands

I had a private swap with Jessica in the Netherlands. We were supposed to send each other five profile based items and I am now going to show what I received from her!

The package looked very neat and pretty!

And this is what were inside the packet. She sent me chewing gum(I forgot to take a picture of them), Cinnamoroll note-book, stickers, postcards of The Netherlands, postal stamps and kawaii/cute envelopes and letter paper sheets. I loved everything she sent for me; especially those letter paper sheets. She sent me dozens of them!! I am always in a never-ending need of writing paper, so it's good!! 

Close-up picture of the stamps. She sent me sooo much of them! I like to explore them.

Some of my favorite stamps. 

 Close-ups of the post cards:

 Thank you so much for everything, Jessica ^_^ 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Air Mail Labels Swap

Long time no see! I hosted a swap called "Air Mail Labels Swap" and this is what I received from my partners.

I got air mail labels from the following countries:
~Switzerland~ She sent me air mail labels from the U.S.A, Germany and Switzerland. As a extra I got three air mail envelopes!!*__* 

~Singapore~ I really like the Singaporean labels. 

~Germany~ German air mail labels and air mail envelopes. I LOOOOOVE AIR MAIL ENVELOPES! =D 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Outgoing swaps and postcards

First a small announcement: 

This is my 4th time I'm hosting this swap, and this time I extended the swap a little; now we send 30 stickers more than previously for our partners. Many people have asked a bigger version of this swap, so here you go ^_^ If you want to join, click here!

Now we shall go to the outgoing mail~

These are for the air mail labels swap I'm hosting currently. I sent Finnish priority labels for my three partners.

Then, the next thee packages are for private swaps. Three ladies asked me to have private swaps with them almost at the same time!! I'm so popular(lol) I could do nothing else than accept their requests as I am that kind of person who finds it hard to say "no" in any kind of situation and turn people down. But also, I sincerely felt excited when they asked me to swap with them and I've had so much fun preparing these swaps^^

This goes for Lou in the States. Our swap theme was "air mail labels and light papers goods as a small extra". So I sent her Finnish air mail labels, news paper sheets, postcard and stamps, as she wanted.

This is for I and Melanie's private candy swap. I sent her different Finnish sweets worth $5. 

This swap will be heading to the Netherlands once I get everything ready for the swap(a few things is still missing before it's ready to be sent). The swap idea is to send five profile-based items. I will send her Nordqvist tea and candy, as can be seen in the picture above, and something else I won't show here on my blog in case my swap partner Jessica comes across this blog(I want the swap to be a surprise for her) ^ . ^

Lastly I'll show you two cards I sent through Postcrossing.
This cute cat card is going Taiwan. I love Jetoy cat cards^^!

This is going to Russia(again!! Whether I request an address on Postcrossing, I get 4/5 of time a Russian address!! At least it feels like that..) I sent her this card because she told on her profile she would like to receive any painting cards. I hope she will like the card I chose for her. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lately received postcards

Lately I have gotten many postcards via Postcrossing, although I myself haven't sent a single one! ;o At the moment I have four cards more on the "received postcards" than on the "sent postcards"! 

Viime aikoina on tullut Postcrossingista muutamia kortteja, vaikken itse ole lähettänyt yhden yhtä sitten viime vuoden lopun! Tällä hetkellä minulla on 4 korttia enemmän vastaanotetuissa kuin lähetetyissä! 

Interjection: I have decided to cut down on swapping and sending postcards via Postcrossing. Simply because it's so damn expensive and I want to save all the extra money for the future(for life and plans after I graduate high school ^_^) plus I want to concentrate on my upcoming matriculation exams. 
But don't worry - although I said I'll cut down the traffic on my mail box, it doesn't mean I stop it entirely! All of you who read my blog should know how much I love snail mail, I just cannot stop it like nothing!! From now on I'll send a card once a while and join only low-cost swaps on Swap-bot. Also, I'll focus more on writing with my dear penpals than swapping with random people. 
That's it, and now let's continue on this day's topic; received postcards *^_^*

Välihuomautus: Olen päättänyt vähentää erilaisiin swappeihin/vaihtoihin liittymistä ja Postcrossingia. En siksi, että olisin kyllästynyt, vaan koska se on liian kallista. Haluan nyt todenteolla säästää rahaa lukion jälkeiseen elämään ja suunitelmiin ja lisäksi haluan keskittyä 100%:sti tuleviin YO-kirjoituksiini. 
Mutta no hätä, vaikka vähennänkin tätä liikennettä posilaatikon luonna, se ei tarkoita lopettaisin sen kokonaan! Blogin lukijat varmasti tietävät, kuinka paljon pidän kirjeiden/korttejen/yleisestikin postin lähettämisestä ja vastaanottamisesta, eli en pysty lopettamaan sitä noin vain =D Tästä lähtien lähettelen kortteja sillointällöin ja osallistuin vain pieniin ja halpoihin swappeihin. Lisäksi panostan enemmän kirjekavereiden kanssa kirjoittamiseen kuin tuntemattomien kanssa swappäilyyn. 
Siinä oli nyt kaikki , eli nyt on taas aika siirtyä tämän päivän aiheeseen eli uusimpiin postikortteihin ^_^

A postcard came from Germany. My first card from there yay!! I've been wondering when it's time for me to get my first card from there as my friend gets basically all the time mail from there xD Sadly I don't really like this card. I think it's a very typical tourist card with its blond girl, beer and a small view of landscape on the background.. 

Kortti Saksasta. Se oli minun eka kortti sieltä, jee! Olenkin miettinyt, että milloin oikein saan sieltä kortin, koska kaveri saa sieltä päin maailmaa melkeempä koko aika(ainakin tuntuu siltä :D) postia! Harmikseni en oikein pidä tästä kortista, koska se on tyypillinen turistikortti blondeineen ja oluineen..

Card from Taiwan. // Taiwanista.

The upper card is from Switzerland , although the card itself is bought in Thailand. The sender sent this card for me as I have told in my Postcrossing profile I like Asian topics and religions. 
The lower card is from Russia -- AGAIN! Where my friend is a Germany magnet, I am a Russian magnet =D I have like 5 cards from Russian via Postcrossing already!!(which is pretty much considering I've received only 9 cards total)

Ylempi kortti on Sveitsistä, vaikkakin kortti itsestään on hommattu Thaimaasta. Kortin lähettäjä lähetti tämän kortin minulle, koska olin kirjoittanut Postcrossing-profiilissani pitäväni Aasia- ja uskonto-aiheisista korteista. 
Alempi kortti on Venäjältä, TAAS!! Siinä missä kaverini on aikamoinen Saksa-magneetti, minä saan jatkuvalla syötöllä Itärajan toiselta puolelta postia!. Minulla on varmaan jo 5 korttia sieltä, joka on aika paljon ottaen huomioon, että oon saanut vasta 9 korttia yhteensä Postcrossingin kautta. 

The next card is from Ukraine. // Ukrainasta.

Last but not least is a happy new year card from my French e-mail friend :)

Viimeisin muttei vähäisin kortti on hyvän uuden vuoden toivotuskortti ranskalaiselta s-postikaveriltani :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Rubber Stamp

This tiny packet was in my inbox. It was my order from! I really love Artscow and I would like to recommend it for my blog readers. You can create unique photo books, prints, mugs, t-shirts etc. etc. of your own photos on their site. 

Tämmöinen pieni paketti oli eräänä päivänä postilaatikossa. Se oli hartaasti odotettu paketti, nimittäin tilaukseni! Olen todennut Artscowin erittäin hyväksi ja luotettavaksi paikaksi tilata kaikenlaista pikkukivaa, mitä omista kuvista voi tehdä. Tarjolla on esim. mukeja, valokuva-albumeja, t-paitoja jne. joihin saa painatettua oman kuvansa (ei siis pelkää pärstäkuvaansa jos ottaa edellisen lauseen kirjaimellisesti, vaan mitä tahansa lomakuvista harrastelijavalokuvauksen tuotoksiin :D)

This is my second time I ordered something on their site. Last time I bought a mouse pad, this time something that will be great for a mail lover like me; a rubber stamp! 
I was able to choose myself the rubber stamp pattern, color, font. Getting an "air mail rubber stamp" has been a dream of mine for a long time, so I used their discount and got this small rubber stamp only for 3USD (and this is the best part; I got free shipping YIPPEE I love free shipping!!:D) Realllly great!!! 

Tämä oli toinen kerta, kun tilasin heiltä. Viimeeksi tilasin hiirimaton, nyt jotakin sellaista, joka ilahduttaa postin työntekijöitä kiireisenä pitäviä niinkuin minua, nimittäin leimasimen! 
Sivulla saa itse valita, millaisen leimasimen tekee, saa valita kuvion, värin, fontin. Olen halunnut jo kauan aikaa "air mail(lentoposti)" -leimasimen, jolla olisi kiva läimäytellä leimoja lähteviin kirjeisiin ja paketteihin :D Joten heti kun näin tarjouksen, en voinut muuta kuin laittaa tilauksen menemään!! Leimasin maksoi vain 3 dollaria, eli n. 2,50 euroa(riippuen valuuttakursseista:D) (ja mikä parasta, tuli ilmaiset postarit jihuu!)

The stamp is high quality, better than I thought considering it was so cheap (actually the normal price was about 7USD) but a little smaller than I would have liked it to be. Fortunately they offer many different sizes of rubber stamps on their site. Next time when I order, I will take a bigger one (although I think this small rubber stamp is also good!)

Leimasin tuntuu hyvälaatuiselta ottaen huomioon, miten halpa se oli. (Vaikkakin leimasimen oikea hinta oli n. 7 dollaria) Olisin toivonnut sen olean vähän isompi kylläkin. Onneksi Artscowilla on monia eri kokoisia leimasimia tarjolla, ostan varmaan seuraavalla kerralla vähän isomman. (Vaikka tykkään tästä nykyisestä pienestäkin paljon)

The rubber stamp in real use!!:
Leimasin käytössä ensimmäistä kertaa:

A reply to my new Chinese penpal Miaoran. As you can see in the photo, I accidentally used the stamp upside down two times in a row lol!! It's impossible as on the stamp reads with big font which side is right :D The only thought in my mind 'I must be retarded..' lol (no offence to handicapped people!!)
Vastauskirje uudelle kiinalaiselle kirjetoverille Miaoranille. Kuten kuvasta näkyy käytin leimasinta väärin päin ja vieläpä kaksi kertaa peräkkäin :D En tiedä miten tämäkin oli taas mahdollista, kun leimasimessa lukee selvästi, miten päin sitä kuuluu käyttää :D 
I really recommend Artscow!
Suosittelen Artscowia lämpimästi!

(This sounds like an advertisement -__--)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Last incoming mail in 2012

The last thing I received via mail in 2012 was a little packet from Malaysia.

It was for I and Naomi's private swap. She sent me post-it notes, origamis, mobile phone chain, chocolate and rice snacks(I love any kind of rice snacks so I asked if she could send me some =D)

The mobile phone chain is very cool and the color is exactly the same as my phone so it will suit my phone well =(^0^)= Though I'm not sure whether I have the heart to use it because I tend to lose and broke all my phone chains I've used -__- I don't want this chain to get lost as well!

Malaysian stamps. 

I liked all of the things the packet contained. Thank you very much, Naomi!