I got a Liebster Award from Kehräten -blog! Thank you very much ( ・_・)♡
"Saksan kielen adjektiivi liebster tarkoittaa suosikkia, lemmikkiä tai rakasta. Liebster-tunnustuksen ajatuksena on saada huomiota blogeille, joilla on alle 200 lukijaa."
"The German adjective 'liebester' means favorite, pet, or dear. The thought behind Liebester-acknowledgment is to get attention to blogs which has less than 200 readers."
(I don't know if this is just a Finnish thing or if this award is also known among international blogs? Nevertheless, I translated it into English because I don't really read Finnish blogs =A=)
Säännöt / Rules:
1. Kiitä antajaa ja linkitä bloggaaja, joka antoi tunnustuksen sinulle.
1. Thank and link the one who gave the award to you.
2. Valitse viisi blogia (joilla on alle 200 lukijaa) ja kerro se heille jättämällä kommentti heidän blogiinsa.
2. Choose five blogs (which has less than 200 readers) and tell them about the award by commenting on their blogs.
3. Toivo, että ihmiset, joille jätit tunnustuksen, antavat sen eteenpäin.
3. Hope, that the people who you left the award to, will give it forward.
I chose these five blogs:
(I had too hard time choosing these..;A; I read like 100000000 different blogs and almost all of them have over 200 readers!)
This week haven't been a good mail week ;A; Fortunately it's only Wednesday so I still have two more days to wait for mail!
Oh why, THANK YOU! :) I'm sure gonna post something about this Liebster Award as soon as I can. :) I'm glad you liked Manager Hyung!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Jenny!